This is not something that you get to see everyday. Clint Bowyer, in the #15 car, had clipped Jeff Gordon on lap 305 during the AdvoCare 500 at the Phoenix International Raceway, and that was only the beginning. With two laps to go in the race, Gordon came and retaliated and caused this wreck.
After they both were out of their cars, the pit crews started into it with each other and punches were thrown during the melee. Then once the fight was broken up, Bowyer started sprinting for Gordon’s truck and had to be restrained by NASCAR officials.
This obviously looked pretty bad and was an extremely dangerous thing for Gordon to do. To run someone into a wall at around 200 MPH is horrible and he should be happy that the repercussion of his actions weren’t worse. I’m sure a hefty fine will be coming down from NASCAR officials this week.
On a side note, what were NASCAR officials thinking letting them finish the race with oil on the track? That has to be one of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever heard.