The Ligue Nord-Américaine de Hockey is a Quebec Semi-Pro hockey league. Occasionally washed up hockey players will join the league, and as you can see from the video, this is very low quality hockey.
Former NHL player Donald Brashear attacked his opponent in this game between Saguenay and Rivière-du-loup, much like Todd Bertuzzi did to Steve Moore. Thankfully, the player was uninjured and you can see him get up after Brashear lands on top of him, unlike what happened with Moore.
Moore had his playing career ended by this play, and cheap shots like this have no place in hockey. It’s utterly disgusting to see something like this happen. Brashear of all people should know about cheap shots and the dangerous consequences they have, since McSorely took one at him that ended up being highly publicized.
The referees did a fantastic job of keeping everyone in line, and keeping this from turning into a full-blown melee. The worst part of this video other than the assault, is the fact that the fans cheered him on when the incident happened.
You can guarantee that Brashear will be suspended for this; cheap shots like this will not be tolerated in hockey at any level.