I figured it was only right to bash Ohio State with my first article on Diehardsport. We all know what kind of people who play and root for Ohio State but this guy Art Schlichter is one of the biggest douche bag-low life’s that walks this Earth. He is not that high up on Gods list at the pearly gates, because he played for the Buckeyes, but now as soon as he gets in line Jesus is going to bitch slap him back too Hell (Ohio). Here is the link that you should check out..story?id=6121730 but ill give you a summary. He was charged Monday with stealing more than $1 million from a 68-year-old woman in suburban Columbus by deceiving her that he was selling her Ohio State football tickets and 2011 Super Bowl tickets. He took the money in cash, checks and credit card charges. I know not all Ohio State Alum are like this guy but, really? You don’t see most school alum’s robbing old ladies but this is just one of the many examples of why OSU is second class garbage.