Six programs – Northwestern, Air Force, Michigan, Duke, Minnesota and Vanderbilt – earned an APR public recognition award (third straight year).
Top 6 APRs (Academic Progress Rates) in FBS football:
Air Force
Vanderbilt— NCAA Research (@NCAAResearch) May 3, 2017
Here’s what the NCAA writes about the APR:
Implemented in 2003 as part of an ambitious academic reform effort in Division I, the Academic Progress Rate (APR) holds institutions accountable for the academic progress of their student-athletes through a team-based metric that accounts for the eligibility and retention of each student-athlete for each academic term.
The APR emerged when Division I presidents and chancellors sought a more timely assessment of academic success at colleges and universities. At the time, the best measure was the graduation rate calculated under the federally mandated methodology that was based on a six-year window and did not take transfers into account.