In an interview with Notre Dame Athletics, Manti Te’o spoke candidly about Lennay Kekua and the letters he received from her. The interview was published on YouTube on November 13th, so presumably the interview was conducted around that date. In this clip, he tells the interviewer that he received his last letter from her before the Stanford game, which was 31 days after she “died.”
In his Sports Illustrated article, Pete Thamel references these same letters and Te’o told him that he received another one before the Wake Forest game on November 17th. Te’o said that each of these letters was read to him over the phone by a family member, and often sent a picture of them to him on is iPad.
This is not to say that Manti is telling a two different stories or caught in a lie. He obviously did not have any idea during a November 13th interview, that he would get another letter from her a few days letter. What is strange about this whole ordeal is that these letters kept rolling in, and that he was lead to believe that she wrote him all of these letters prior to her death. This story keeps getting weirder and weirder, and you have to wonder, if this truly was a hoax, why on Earth did these people put so much time into it? Did they really have nothing better to do?