Take a look at the reaction from Cade McNamara after JJ McCarthy delivered a beautiful pass to Roman Wilson that eventually led to a TD:
I’m glad the FOX cameras got this great shot after J.J. McCarthy’s 31-yard pass to Roman Wilson.
There aren’t many teams that could pull off what Michigan pulls off when it comes to the QB rotation. A testament to the culture of the team, but also to just Cade and JJ as people. pic.twitter.com/tNwNEkBqfY
— Scott Bell (@sbell021) November 28, 2021
Jim Harbaugh on Cade McNamara and J.J. McCarthy: "They love the ball team, and the guys on the ball team love them."
— Clayton Sayfie (@CSayf23) November 28, 2021
This is a heck of a play by JJ.
He carries out strong Play Action then composes himself as the edges start caving in and finds a tight window for Roman Wilson. pic.twitter.com/QAeB41ocN3
— Due# (@JDue51) November 28, 2021