[Update: The University of Michigan reversed its initial decision and will end up showing American Sniper to students this Friday.]
The Michigan football team is watching American Sniper even though the University of Michigan won’t be. The University cancelled a screening of American Sniper after students protested the film’s alleged misrepresentation of Muslim culture. Apparently, Harbaugh doesn’t agree. Take a look at what Harbaugh tweeted out Wednesday evening:
Michigan Football will watch "American Sniper"! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!
— Coach Harbaugh (@CoachJim4UM) April 9, 2015
Here’s the statement Michigan had to offer after pulling the movie:
A statement from the Center for Campus Involvement regarding the screening of American Sniper at UMix this Friday. pic.twitter.com/uClDigpd4w
— Campus Involvement (@UMInvolvement) April 7, 2015
Michigan players seem to be in agreement with their head coach:
Hell yeah https://t.co/T3mkR5Wjw2
— Shane Morris (@ShaneMorris_7) April 9, 2015
Love this team. #GoBlue pic.twitter.com/xE3M3x55WX
— Kenny Allen (@KennyAllen91) April 9, 2015
— Wilton Speight (@WiltonSpeight) April 9, 2015
— Jared Wangler (@Jwangles2) April 9, 2015
Update: Looks like the University of Michigan has backed down from its stance and will show the movie after all. Via the University of Michigan: