It seems as though Vincent Smith is getting the last laugh out of this Jadeveon Clowney hit he endured. Apparently a Maumee, Ohio sports memorabilia store called Hall of Framers is selling the iconic image with Smith’s autograph.
Busted Coverage called the store and talked with an employee who had this to say:
“(Smith) was doing a show at Gibralter (famous Michigan trade center/flea market/card show building) and signed 10 for the public and then signed some for my dad.”
The employee said that Smith didn’t have a problem signing the photo, which is being sold for $60 and they only have one framed photo left in stock.
Smith’s eligibility is up, so he is free to sell his autograph and can make money off of these signed photos.
When ESPN asked Smith about the hit he said:
“You’ve got to get it out of your head because I’m going to bounce back and turn it into a positive,” Smith said. “I saw it later on ESPN and yeah, he got me. And I forgot about it.”
At least Smith is getting some sort of compensation for getting destroyed. The hit has been shown countless times on ESPN and once it comes time for the 2014 NFL Draft you know this will be all over the Clowney highlight reels. Whether he likes it or not, Smith has immortalized himself in the College Football highlight reels.
Jadeveon Clowney hit on Vincent Smith is a 38 time best of the best champion on SportsCenter. Someone help Vincent and do something awesome
— ESPN Michigan (@ESPNMichigan) March 20, 2013