New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez has been having a rough time recently. He’s not playing well, he’s continually being benched or pinch hit for, the media is on his back and now he gets caught flirting during a loss.
It’s being reported by many different outlets that during the game, when Eric Chavez went to go pinch hit for him he saw a pair of cute blondes in the stands and had a bat boy throw a ball to them. Apparently the ball had a note on it asking for their numbers, and for them to throw it back after they wrote it down.
Apparently one of the women obliged and the flirting continued until Derek Jeter got hurt. It’s nice to know that once the heart and soul of the team got hurt, that A-Rod had enough class to cool down with the flirting.
If this was a regular season game, this is probably a non-story and people would probably have commended A-Rod for his effort to multi-task. But, doing this during game 1 of the ALCS while your team is losing looks pretty terrible. I personally wonder if A-Rod hasn’t worn out his welcome in New York, and if the Yankees would try to move him or buy him out in the offseason.
It should also be noted that A-Rod has a current girlfriend, former WWE dive Torrie Wilson.
H/T: Yahoo