John O’Korn, who threw a costly interception in the final minutes of the Ohio State loss, talked about what happened on the play:
"I hold myself responsible…" John O'Korn breaks down at postgame presser
— angelique (@chengelis) November 25, 2017
JOK on interception: “It was all on me. One of those passes you wanted back as soon as you threw it”
— Anthony Broome (@anthonytbroome) November 25, 2017
O'Korn: We didn't take advantage of matchups in their secondary as much as we should have.
— (@TheWolverineMag) November 25, 2017
OKorn says he found out he was the starter on Monday.
— Matt Pargoff (@MaizeBlueNews) November 25, 2017
JOK says he feels players got complacent and they let foot off gas at 14-0
— Anthony Broome (@anthonytbroome) November 25, 2017
John O'Korn tearing up. Said he feels responsible for this loss and couldn't imagine a worse feeling.
— Andrew Vailliencourt (@AndrewVcourt) November 25, 2017