Katrina Torres, the girl who leapt onto Aloha Stadium’s field, didn’t just do it for the attention. Torres jumped onto the field for her cousin Gary, who was watching in New Mexico.
Torres told KHON 2:
“They made the touchdown and all the security turned to look. And I just jumped over the wall and once I hit the ground, I knew I wasn’t gonna stop. So, I just kept running. He can’t talk, but he was just smiling a lot and he was just fist pumping. They said as soon as we saw you jump, his face just lit up and he was just fist pumping and stuff so that made it so worth it for me.”
Gary was in a motorcycle accident two years ago and is now paralyzed and unable to talk. He always wanted to attend the Pro Bowl and was supposed to attend this year, but it became too difficult. Torres even had “I did it for Gary” written on her back.
She also told KHON2:
“I just wanted to keep my promise, stay true to my word. And I had told my mom, I told my auntie, my grandma. I was like, ‘I’m gonna do this. You guys might have to bail me out’. And they were so for it.”
Lucky for her, Deion Sanders had heard her story and came to her rescue.
“Deion Sanders came running behind us and he’s like, ‘Hey don’t arrest her. That was really cool. Just don’t arrest her. If you arrest her, I’m gonna bail her right out,’” Torres said.
Torres won’t be going to jail but she has been banned from Aloha Stadium for a year. I’m sure she will tell everyone that it was completely worth it.
[KHON 2]