Adam “Pacman” Jones went on ESPN Radio to clear up some of the rumors surrounding his arrest from last week when he was arrested for assaulting a woman at a downtown Cincinnati nightclub. He plead not guilty and maintains that it was in self-defense. Pacman explained this video and why he hit the woman when he could have just walked away.
“You see at the beginning of the video I went over there to talk to the two young ladies who were sitting in the chair,” Jones explained. “And the two behind them wasn’t even outside. When I went back over there and told them I ain’t taking no pictures, the young lady in the black immediately got up and that’s when I was approached by the young lady on the wall with the beer who was taking a picture. I was like, ‘Hoe, where in the f— did you come from?’
“She was like, ‘Who the (expletive) you think you is?’ And I was like ‘Look, I don’t want any problems, man. You look like you’ve had too many.’ Before I could say that is when I got hit with the bottle. She swung and hit me with a bottle and it was just an instant reaction to slap her shoulder down.”
The video is pretty grainy and it’s tough to tell if he hit her in the face and if she actually hit him with a bottle. It looks like she just dumped her drink on him and he easily could have backed away. Either way, the point is he went to plead his case on ESPN Radio and said “Hoe, where in the f*** did you come from?” live on the air, which probably didn’t help his case.