Chicago Bears runningback Matt Forte has been one of the most outspoken runningbacks over the new rule where runningbacks cannot hit defenders with the crown of their helmet. After the rule passed on Wednesday, Forte took to Twitter to voice his displeasure.
Wow so they really passed that rule…last time I checked football was a contact sport. Calling bank now to set up my lowering the boom fund
— Matt Forte (@MattForte22) March 20, 2013
Guess I'll get my fine money ready #loweringtheboomfund
— Matt Forte (@MattForte22) March 20, 2013
Next year they'll probably be a no jumping over defenders rule… #loweringtheboomfund
— Matt Forte (@MattForte22) March 20, 2013
At least he is prepared to pay the fines that will be dished out his way if he lowers his head. I know for some runningbacks it is an instinct to lower their head when they know contact is coming, but with the amount of head injuries in the NFL and the number of former players suing the NFL over said injuries, it’s not a surprise that they made a rule to help protect against head injuries.