Forbes developed a specific ranking formula in order to figure out who the best fans in the NFL are and have come to a conclusion. Their ranking criteria is as follows:
Hometown crowd reach (defined by Nielsen Scarborough as a percentage of the metropolitan area population that watched, attended, and/or listened to a game in the last year), 3 years worth of television ratings (per Nielsen), 3 years of stadium attendance based on capacity reached, 3 years worth of merchandise sales (per, and social media reach (a combination of Facebooklikes and Twitter followers based on the team’s metro area population).
Here’s their Top 10 based on that criteria:
1. Green Bay Packers
2. Denver Broncos
3. New Orleans Saints
4. New England Patriots
5. Baltimore Ravens
6. Indianapolis Colts
7. Dallas Cowboys
7. Pittsburgh Steelers
9. Seattle Seahawks
10. Chicago Bears
I’m sure these fan bases will be happy to dispute the rankings.