It appears that the growing dissatisfaction with the Washington Redskins nickname has continued to grow. The Detroit News will join the ranks and no longer use the ‘Redskins’ moniker.
Detroit News style updates:
Washington Redskins football team
The Detroit News will no longer use the team’s nickname, “Redskins,” in routine football coverage, reflecting the growing view that
the term is offensive to many Americans. Last Wednesday, a federal board voted to cancel the Washington Redskins’ trademark, deeming the name “disparaging” of Native Americans. For our platforms, use Washington football team on first reference, except Washington (alone) is acceptable if the reference to the NFL team is clear. On second and subsequent references, use Washington where the context will make it clear to our readers we’re talking about the NFL team. It is acceptable to use the Washington Redskins identification in items that refer to the naming controversy.