Coming off their huge come from behind win against the Denver Broncos, it appears that some of the players have gotten cocky heading into their next matchup with the New England Patriots. Reserve linebacker/special teamer Brendon Ayanbadejo sent out some tweets last night that will certainly come back to haunt him, and are great bulletin board material for the Patriots.
Their offense is good enough to be successful with out that
— Brendon Ayanbadejo (@brendon310) January 13, 2013
Someone must have told him he was obviously making a huge mistake and he then sent out this tweet:
I made selfish comments on twitter last night that reflected poorly upon myself, my teammates, and the organization. For that I apologize.
— Brendon Ayanbadejo (@brendon310) January 14, 2013
Perhaps he should take it to the next step and actually delete the tweets that he regrets sending out. There’s no need to give the Patriots any bulletin board material, they’re already one of the most dominant teams in the NFL, and they get to play at home.