Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez sent some letters out of prison to a couple friends while awaiting trial and those letters have surfaced online. Despite Hernandez asking for them not to put the letters online, these people clearly cared more about the money than Hernandez’s trust.
Here’s the transcript for the first letter:
Your letter meant a lot and was very true! I know everything happens for a reason and I know “GOD” has a plan for me and something good will come out of this. The world just makes things out of false accusations and it will all die down especially when they say NOT GUILTY and all the people who turned on me will feel like crap. I’ve always been a great person and known for having an amazing heart! I am a strong person and nothing will break me! A C.O. will never not can they say now for one day have I been down in not with a smile on my face. I know there is a reason I’m going thru this and I will figure it out through my relationship with the Lord. I fell off especially after making all that money but when its all said and done “GOD” put me in the situation for a reason! I’m humbled by this ALREADY and this will change me forever. At least I’ll know my true supporters. Thanks for being one of them! P.S. The pictures are definitely hanging on my walls and def mean a lot! Thanks again brotha! Thanks, Aaron Hernandez à CAN’T WAIT TO sign this again when I’m playing again an prove all the haters and do[wn] talkers WRONG. *Keep this off social media PLEASE!
TMZ has been paying around $18,000 per letter, and Hernandez has reportedly been told that his letter leaked. No word on how many letters have been sent out to this point, but something tells me he won’t be sending anymore now. He does seem remarkably calm for a guy that is in jail on a 1st degree murder charge, among other things.
[This Given Sunday] [Black Sports Online]