Derrick Rose got ripped by Skip Bayless on Twitter yesterday about his comments that, after his basketball career, he didn’t want to be sore at his son’s graduation. Rose, who expectedly is hearing the backlash for his comments, clarified what he was trying to say to Chicago Tribune’s K.C. Johnson:
Asked DRose what he was trying to say: "Really I was just being myself. As long as I’m being myself, that’s the only person I can be."
— K.C. Johnson (@KCJHoop) November 13, 2014
Rose: "As far as saying anything, probably blame me for thinking about the future I’ll probably think different but that’s all I was doing."
— K.C. Johnson (@KCJHoop) November 13, 2014
Rose got asked if he understood why people might get upset: "No, no, but I could care less."
— K.C. Johnson (@KCJHoop) November 13, 2014
(cont.) Rose: "just put every performance and every article behind me every day."
— K.C. Johnson (@KCJHoop) November 13, 2014