By now everyone should have seen this video. A year ago a youth hockey coach in Vancouver was arrested last year for intentionally tripping a player during the post-game handshake.
Martin Tremblay, the 48-year-old coach, plead guilty to one count of assault in November for the incident.
The decision to trip the 13-year-old and 10-year-old player was not only idiotic but it resulted in the 10-year-old breaking his wrist.
The Richmond Provincial court Judge Patrick Chen told ESPN:
“Win or lose, this was just a game,” Chen told the court, according to newspaper accounts. “This was the last place anyone would have expected an assault to take place, and the very last place one would have expected an adult to assault a child.
“The tripping of the boys was akin to a cowardly sucker punch on an unsuspecting victim.”
According to reports, Chen said a psychiatric assessment of Tremblay was unreliable and that he believed the coach’s problems stem from anger-management issues.
I hope Tremblay is banned from coaching hockey and being in hockey rinks for the rest of his life. This man is a disgrace to the sport.