The Onaping Falls Huskies and Mountain Blues were facing off in a hockey tournament in Canada when things got completely out of hand at the end of the game. The two teams exchanged a bevy of punches and the coaches even threw at one another.
The Ottawa Sun has some more details and talked with officials who said that a cheap shot started all of it.
Here are some quotes from Onaping’s coach Todd Brown:
Brown said he regrets the action, but said it was a reflex to the Blues coach coming at him first.
“Before we even knew it, he was right in front of my face at our door,” he said. “Next thing you know he took a swing at me, caught me just under the nose and cut me a bit.”
Brown admits he “ended up getting in a better blow” against his adversary, whose nose was bloodied and may have been broken. “That’s the rumour, but I don’t know,” said the Huskies coach.
In retrospect he wishes he hadn’t thrown the punch, but said “it’s the heat of the moment, and you’re not anticipating anything like that will happen — and the next thing it does.”
It’s pretty disgusting when something like this with the coaches happens at a youth sporting event.