In a North Dakota High School hockey game, this incredible move occurred. By now, everyone has seen the original Michigan Move, and plenty of people have done it in a game on their forehand, but never on their backhand.
Alec Rauhauser from Century High buried this one against his rival Bismarck High and had this to say:
“I saw that on a video before — Mikael Granlund, this guy from Finland,” Rauhauser said with a smile. “They just let me set up behind the net, and I decided to pick it up with my backhand and go upstairs.”
Let’s first emphasize the fact that Rauhauser is a defenseman. Century High went on to win the game 5-4 in overtime, and Rauhauser had a hattrick and added an assist. Rauhauser is an All-State defenseman and is currently ranked 196th in North America by NHL Central Scouting for the upcoming NHL Draft.