Former Ohio State coach Urban Meyer on Michigan’s sign-stealing investigation from a interview with Tim May:
First of all I’m very skeptical of reporters reporting. My experience is they’re wrong most of the time. And that’s not a shot at the media, that’s reality. People say things that they’re reporting that’s just not true. So I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt saying, first of all it’s hard for me to believe that is true,” Meyer said.
“I also heard people say that ‘Well, everyone does that.’ And Tim, no one does that. I’ve never heard of that in 40 years of being around the game. There’s a very clear and that rule, some will say it’s not that important. Once again, everybody is entitled to their opinion. If they know your signals, it is that important. You’re changing the game. That’s very egregious if that’s what happened. I’m not saying it did, because I’m still skeptical it did,” Meyer said.