Riddell and different Universities around the country have started to unveil the new Revolution Speed Flex Helmet and it is interesting to say the least. Anything that will help prevent/combat concussions is welcomed though.
The U unveiled their new helmet with an off-center sticker and they now have the Schutt Camera Helmet too.
Side view of the new @RiddellSports speed flex helmet pic.twitter.com/qO8ZyJxan2
— The U Equipment Room (@TheUEqRoom) March 24, 2014
Hoping to get a few guys in the speed flex helmet from @RiddellSports, being proactive on the concussion front pic.twitter.com/HDXYmtg4vn
— The U Equipment Room (@TheUEqRoom) March 24, 2014
For everyone worried about the offcenter U we have corrected it, we are trying to get used to decaling a new helmet pic.twitter.com/MRGY1BrkfB
— The U Equipment Room (@TheUEqRoom) March 24, 2014
Front view of the camera on the Schutt vision helmet from @schuttsports pic.twitter.com/aEweR9D1Ur
— The U Equipment Room (@TheUEqRoom) March 24, 2014
New @RiddellSports Speed Flex helmet has the decals and is ready for spring practice number 7 tomorrow. #GoHeels pic.twitter.com/7aJjHpNxEL
— UNC Equipment (@UNCEquipment) March 25, 2014
@RiddellSports new speed flex helmet for UF pic.twitter.com/OSwwhZZ26f
— Nate Landi (@NateLandi) March 20, 2014
@PhilHecken The Badgers are trying out the new Riddell helmets. pic.twitter.com/mtaZq8yCMZ
— Johnny O (@JohnnyOeleven) March 27, 2014
Texas is also going with Schutt vision:
More cutting edge technology in football helmets. Built in camera. @schuttsports @SchuttVision pic.twitter.com/h6cW7xQMoX
— UTexas Equipment (@UTexasEquipment) March 26, 2014
New innovations in helmet technology from @RiddellSports #SpeedFlex pic.twitter.com/3aIdptlG7y
— UTexas Equipment (@UTexasEquipment) March 26, 2014
Just received the new Riddell Speedflex helmet for spring. pic.twitter.com/EdMJ3BDkNR
— Arkansas Equipment (@RazorbackEquip) March 19, 2014
@RiddellSports Speedflex helmet decaled and ready for practice. pic.twitter.com/u5KbbEKilg
— PITT Football Equip (@PITTequipment) March 26, 2014
The new Riddell Speed Flex helmet! #GoBuffs @RiddellSports pic.twitter.com/oTGrEcKd92
— Colorado Equipment (@CUEquipment) March 25, 2014
Here is the new @RiddellSports SpeedFlex that we will have on a couple of our guys this spring. pic.twitter.com/8I1jnuwhGn
— Cyclone Equipment (@CycloneEQUIP) March 26, 2014
Hurd sporting a new speed flex helmet. #Vols pic.twitter.com/ntxM7TIBMH
— Vol_Rumors (@Vol_Rumors) March 26, 2014
New Riddell speed flex helmet decaled and ready for practice! pic.twitter.com/A1UZrum0js
— ODU FB Equipment (@ODUFBEquipment) March 25, 2014