97.1’s Mike Valenti had some not so great things to say about Mark Dantonio after MSU’s loss to ASU. While Dantonio blamed the refs for the loss (the Pac 12 officials said they made a mistake on the final kick), here is what the MSU grad and radio host said:
Valenti also added that he thinks Dantonio should go:
“The bottom line is everything good in life comes to an end and I’m not ranting and raving, I’m not saying he should be fired. He won’t be fired, it’s a dumb conversation. He’s the greatest coach in school history and what should happen and what will happen are two different things. But what took place Saturday was an embarrassment. It was a total and utter embarrassment. It was on par with anything John L or R or Bobby did and I’m sorry he just does not look like a guy who’s long for this job.”