Amid Ohio State’s investigation into the Zach Smith situation and Urban Meyer being placed on administrative leave, it’s worth noting that Urban’s new contract (signed in 2018) states that he must alert authorities if he knows of domestic violence by a player or staff.
This is what Urban Meyer’s contract states. I can’t see him coming back to the job. Apparently other coaches wives were informed about the situation as well, so could bring about a whole load of drama. Four former assistant coaches on that staff are now Head Coaches.
— Vasilis (@VasilisM_) August 1, 2018
Followed by:
Also worth noting that this is right below those new additions in his original contract:
— Bryan Fischer (@BryanDFischer) August 1, 2018
Meyer has previously denied any knowledge of the sexual abuse allegations of former WR coach Zach Smith back in 2015.
Courtney Smith talking about the situation with her former husband and being pressured by Urban Meyer’s attorney: