To get ready for the Russell Athletic Bowl Sebastian the Ibis and Louie the Cardinal, the mascots for the Miami Hurricanes and Louisville Cardinals, have been going at it on Twitter. Nothing too cruel or out of line, but most definitely hilarious. It’s not often you see something like this, but this could be the start of a new trend.
.@LouietheCard so funny that I forgot to laugh
— Sebastian The Ibis (@UM_Sebastian) December 20, 2013
Who gets to flip the coin next Saturday for the #RAB? Me or @LouietheBird? Do tell, @RussellAthBowl.
— Sebastian The Ibis (@UM_Sebastian) December 20, 2013
Yes, grown humans wearing animal masks = scary RT @LouietheCard: Bastian's new nightmare.
— Sebastian The Ibis (@UM_Sebastian) December 20, 2013
It's also a place located in Kentucky, too #BURRRRN RT @LouietheCard: .@UM_Sebastian Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
— Sebastian The Ibis (@UM_Sebastian) December 20, 2013