Florida State tight end Nick O’Leary, Jack Nicklaus’ grand son, was in a horrific motorcycle accident on May 2nd, 2013. Video of the incident has finally emerged and the fact that he was unharmed is absolutely amazing.
From Tomahawk Nation:
According to the crash report obtained by TomahawkNation.com via a public records request, a Lexus pulled out in front of O’Leary and did not establish the right of way, violating O’Leary’s own right of way.
O’Leary’s motorcycle collided with the front of the Lexus and shattered before crashing into the windshield of a Star Metro Bus, which was stopped at an authorized bus stop. O’Leary was ejected and narrowly missed crashing into the bus. He slid approximately 75-100 feet parallel to the bus, and miraculously, can be seen standing up and walking away immediately after.
According to the accident report, O’Leary was transported to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital and treated for non-life threatening injuries. The driver of the Lexus was cited with the causation of the crash. The crash report narrative page is available here.
The fact that O’Leary didn’t get thrown into the windshield of the bus, like the motorcycle did, probably saved his life. He is extremely lucky to be completely okay from the incident and that it ended up looking worse than it was.