There aren’t many dunks where you feel badly for a defending player, but this dunk by Louisville’s Chane Behanan might be one of them. Behanan stole an errands pass near half-court and went full-speed right at the basket. He then took off and jumped over (while kneeing in the face) DePaul’s Worrel Clahar. The fact that the sophomore forward was called for the charge, is beside the point. This was a thunderous dunk and potentially deserving the ‘Dunk of the Year’ title.
With the 79-58 win, Louisville sits just one game behind Georgetown atop the Big East. These last couple of weeks before the NCAA Tournament are going to be phenomenal and hopefully bring out a lot more highlights like this one.
Behanan’s dunk beats Meyers Leonard over Andre Miller from Wednesday night via @cjzero, wouldn’t you say?